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Excessive Sweating: The Different Causes of Hyperhidrosis

by | Jan 26, 2016

control excessive sweatingSweat is a natural byproduct of life. While it can be uncomfortable, it serves as an incredibly important aspect of our body’s natural cool-down system. However, sweating can become excessive for some people and interfere with their daily lives.

There are two types of excessive sweating:
Primary hyperhidrosism
Secondary hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis affects 8 million Americans and causes them to sweat four to five times as much as their peers. The condition is triggered by sweat glands that become overactive. The result is an excessive amount of unneeded perspiration.

The difference between the two classifications is the root cause of the condition. When a person suffers from excessive sweating with no underlying medical condition, it is referred to as primary hyperhidrosis and may be attributed to genetics. Secondary hyperhidrosis can be attributed to an underlying medical condition.

Men and women are affected by hyperhidrosis equally and most sufferers are between the ages of 25 and 64. Many look for option to control excessive sweating, though treatments vary based on the cause.

The causes of hyperhidrosis are:

1. Diabetic hypoglycemia

2. Endocarditis

3. Fever of undetermined cause

4. Generalized anxiety disorder

5. Heart attack

6. Heat exhaustion


8. Hyperhidrosis

9. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

10. Leukemia

11. Malaria

12. Menopause

13. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

14. Medication side effects, such as sometimes experienced when taking some beta blockers and antidepressants

15. Obesity

16. Stress

17. Tuberculosis

Excessive sweating can be confined to certain body parts or affect the entire body. The most commonly affected areas are the palms, soles, underarms or face. Patients that suffer from hyperhidrosis in their hands and feet will usually experience at least one episode a week.

Aside from potentially making a sufferer physically uncomfortable, hyperhidrosis can cause significant social anxiety or embarrassment. About 90% of patients have had their emotional state affected by hyperhidrosis. Most patients report feeling less confident due to their condition. If you find yourself suffering from oversweating, know you are not alone and there are treatments for hyperhidrosis. There are several options to control excessive sweating and even to cure excessive sweating.


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