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4 Medical Treatments to Help You Deal With Hyperhidrosis

by | Sep 28, 2018

prevent sweating

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes heavy sweating for those diagnosed with it. This condition can be hard to deal with, but there are plenty of treatment options available. Here are some medical treatments that can help you deal with your hyperhidrosis and prevent sweating.

Iontophoresis treatment

One of the more common treatments to help prevent sweating and handle hyperhidrosis is the iontophoresis treatment. During this treatment, small electric waves pass through a container of water. You can place your hands, feet, or other body parts in the water for about 20 to 30 minutes. Experts believe that this treatment helps block sweat from getting to the surface of your skin. At first, you’ll have to complete this treatment several times a week. After that, you can do the treatments less frequently to prevent sweating.

Botulinum toxin

Injections of botulinum toxin A, also known as Botox, are another treatment option for hyperhidrosis. It’s an FDA-approved way to treat excessive sweating in the body. Botox works by preventing the release of the chemical that tells your sweat glands to activate. Just as it is with iontophoresis treatments, you’ll need several Botox injections for the treatment to show desired results.

Anticholingergic drugs

If the first two treatments options don’t work, your doctor might recommend prescription medication known as anticholinergic drugs. This oral medical stops the activation of sweat glands, but they aren’t for everyone. Side effects like heart palpitations, urinary problems, and blurred vision are often reported.


Finally, you can see a plastic surgeon to help prevent sweating. Surgery is only recommended for those diagnosed with severe hyperhidrosis that hasn’t responded to other forms of treatment. During the surgery, the doctor may scrape, cut, or suction out the sweat glands. Another surgical option is endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS), where the doctor makes small incisions and cuts the nerves in your armpit that activate your sweat glands. Again, this is only recommended for people who are not responding to other medical treatments for hyperhidrosis.

Nearly 90% of hyperhidrosis patients report that their condition affects their emotional state. In one survey, most patients reported feeling less confident as a result of their hyperhidrosis. Don’t let that be your life anymore. It’s time to seek medical treatment to prevent sweating and get a hold of your hyperhidrosis.


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