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5 Completely Natural Ways to Help Prevent Underarm Sweat

by | Apr 8, 2018

prevent underarm sweat

If you’re always sweating, then you know how hard it can be to find good, effective ways to stop the sweat. You may have tried so many things, from prescription deodorant to expensive t-shirts designed to block sweat. The average human has two to four million sweat glands working for the body as a coolant system to protect it from overheating, but sometimes the sweat is just too much. Here are some natural ways to help prevent underarm sweat that may just be better than any man-made product you’ve tried.


The citric acid that resides in lemons actually kills bacteria and helps reduce most excessive sweating problems. It also smells fresh and clean! You can cut the lemon in half and simply rub it right on your underarm as a natural deodorant.

Baking Soda

Baking soda does a great job absorbing moisture and eliminating odors, making it a great natural deodorant as well. It is also alkaline by nature, meaning it helps balance your body’s pH levels where you apply it. You can mix it with a little bit of water and essential oils for scent (optional), and you’ve got fresh pits all day!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an amazing gift from nature as it has nearly endless benefits for the body. It regulates blood sugar, relieves heartburn and acid reflux, and it even helps with weight loss. It also lowers the body’s pH, making it hard for bacteria to grow. You can put it on at night and wash it off in your morning shower, then apply your natural deodorant.

Eliminate Caffeine

Livestrong.com tells us that caffeine powerfully activates the sympathetic nervous system, which causes you to sweat. Try eliminating caffeine from your diet and see how your body reacts. If that seems impossible, start reducing your intake, and see if it helps.

Reduce Stress

Stress is known as the silent killer because it is horrible for the body’s health. Stress sweat is different from sweat induced by exercise or heat, and it’s actually avoidable. Stress reducing activities like massages or meditation may just solve your problem.

It may seem very difficult to prevent underarm sweat if you feel that constant sweating is something that you can’t escape, but nature is here to save the day. The best part about natural remedies is that you’re helping the environment while you’re helping your body!


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