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4 Common Myths About Hyperhidrosis You Need To Know

by | Feb 1, 2019

Hyperhidrosis can be an embarrassing and frustrating condition sometimes. If you don’t know how to stop excessive sweating and have been struggling with this condition, there may be a few myths you’ve heard from other people or might even believe yourself. However, myths about hyperhidrosis can keep people from getting the treatment they need. Here are some of the top myths about constant sweating and the truth behind them so you can stay informed.

Myth: Sweating a lot is normal.

Fact: It can be easy to write off your excessive sweating as normal, especially if you’ve been dealing with it for a long period of time. However, it’s important to remember that most people don’t deal with issues on a daily basis due to excessive sweating. If you’ve noticed that your sweating is preventing you from performing certain tasks, you may be dealing with hyperhidrosis.

Myth: All you need is deodorant.

Fact: When you’re sweating excessively as a result of hyperhidrosis, deodorant might not be enough to properly manage it. Generally, deodorant and antiperspirants are designed to handle underarm sweat, but often hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating elsewhere in the body, and deodorant won’t help.

Myth: The only way to control excessive sweating is with medication.

Fact: Not everyone with hyperhidrosis will be able to take medication to manage the condition. For those already on other forms of medication, this form of hyperhidrosis treatment might not be possible. Additionally, medication can have side effects that some patients with hyperhidrosis would prefer to avoid.

Myth: There’s no cure for sweating constantly.

Fact: A variety of hyperhidrosis treatments exist, even if you can’t take medication. Iontophoresis devices use electricity to help reduce sweating short and long term, making hyperhidrosis more manageable. This treatment method needs about six to ten treatment sessions to shut down the sweat glands. For those trying to figure out how to stop excessive sweating, iontophoresis may be able to help.

Understanding the reality of hyperhidrosis can help people get the treatment and help they need to manage this condition properly. For more information on how to stop excessive sweating and what hyperhidrosis treatments are available, contact Hidrex USA today.


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